How to Get the Working Directory Of the Cmake Process?

2 minutes read

To get the working directory of the cmake process, you can use the command "pwd" in the terminal to display the current working directory. This will show you the path to the directory where the cmake process is currently running. Alternatively, you can use the function "message(STATUS "CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}")" in your CMakeLists.txt file to print out the working directory during the cmake process. This will help you identify the location of your files and resources as the cmake process navigates through different directories.

What is the advantage of knowing the working directory in cmake?

Knowing the working directory in CMake allows developers to have a clear understanding of where the build process is taking place and where the resulting executable or library will be located. This knowledge is helpful for ensuring that all necessary files are correctly referenced and can be easily accessed during the build process. Additionally, understanding the working directory can help developers troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the build process, such as missing or incorrectly referenced files. By having a clear understanding of the working directory, developers can streamline the build process and ensure that their projects are built successfully.

How to find the working directory of the cmake process?

To find the working directory of the CMake process, you can use the following steps:

  1. If you are using CMake from the command line, navigate to the directory where your CMakeLists.txt file is located.
  2. Run the cmake command in the terminal to generate the build files. This will set the working directory to the location of the CMakeLists.txt file.
  3. You can also print the value of the CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR variable, which stores the directory where the top-level CMakeLists.txt file is located. This will give you the working directory of the CMake process.
  4. Additionally, you can use the get_property command in your CMakeLists.txt file to retrieve the value of the CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR variable, which stores the directory where the current CMakeLists.txt file is located.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine the working directory of the CMake process.

How to set the working directory in cmake?

To set the working directory in CMake, you can use the WORKING_DIRECTORY parameter in the add_test command.

Here is an example:

add_test(NAME myTest 
         COMMAND myExecutable 
         WORKING_DIRECTORY /path/to/working/directory)

In this example, myTest is the name of the test, myExecutable is the executable to run, and /path/to/working/directory is the desired working directory for the test.

Alternatively, you can set the working directory for all tests in your CMake project by setting the CTEST_BUILD_DIRECTORY variable in your CTestConfig.cmake file:

set(CTEST_BUILD_DIRECTORY "/path/to/working/directory")

This will set the working directory for all tests executed by CTest.

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