How to Loop Through an Array In JavaScript?

5 minutes read

To loop through an array in JavaScript, you can use a variety of looping constructs such as for loops, forEach method, for...of loop, or map method. Each method has its own advantages and use cases.

Using a for loop is the most common and versatile way to loop through an array. You can iterate through the array by using the array's length property and accessing each element using its index.

The forEach method is another way to iterate through an array. It provides a concise syntax for looping through each element of the array and executing a function for each element.

The for...of loop is a more modern way to iterate over arrays. It provides a more concise and readable syntax for iterating through the elements of an array.

Lastly, the map method can be used to create a new array based on the elements of the original array. It iterates through each element of the array and applies a function to each element to create a new array.

Overall, looping through an array in JavaScript allows you to access and manipulate each element of the array as needed for your specific use case.

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How to loop through an array in JavaScript and create a new array from the elements?

You can loop through an array in JavaScript using a variety of methods such as a for loop, forEach, map, filter, etc. Here is an example using a for loop to create a new array from the elements of an existing array:

const originalArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const newArray = [];

for (let i = 0; i < originalArray.length; i++) {
  newArray.push(originalArray[i] * 2); // create a new array with elements doubled

console.log(newArray); // Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

Alternatively, you can use the map method which is a more concise way to achieve the same result:

const originalArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

const newArray = => element * 2);

console.log(newArray); // Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

Using the map method is generally preferred as it is more readable and concise. But you can choose any looping method that suits your needs.

What is the syntax for looping through an array in JavaScript using a while loop?

To loop through an array in JavaScript using a while loop, you can follow this syntax:

let i = 0;
while (i < array.length) {
  // Access the array element at index i
  // Increment the index to move to the next element

In this syntax:

  • i is the index variable that starts at 0.
  • The while loop runs as long as the index i is less than the length of the array.
  • Inside the loop, you can access the array elements using the index i.
  • Increment the index i at the end of the loop to move to the next element in the array.

What is the purpose of using a continue statement in a loop while iterating through an array in JavaScript?

The purpose of using a continue statement in a loop while iterating through an array in JavaScript is to skip the current iteration of the loop and continue with the next iteration without executing the remaining code inside the loop for the current iteration. This can be useful when you want to skip over certain elements in the array that meet a specific condition or do not need to be processed in the current iteration.

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