How to Pass Command Line Args In Pytest?

2 minutes read

To pass command line arguments in pytest, you can use the -- (double dash) option followed by the arguments you want to pass. For example, you can run pytest with pytest --arg1 value1 --arg2 value2. These command line arguments can then be accessed within your test functions using the request fixture provided by pytest.

What is the best practice for passing command line arguments in pytest?

The best practice for passing command line arguments in pytest is to use the built-in pytest fixtures pytest_addoption and request.

  1. Create a custom command line option using the pytest_addoption function. This function is used to define command line options that can be passed to the pytest command at runtime. For example:
def pytest_addoption(parser):
    parser.addoption("--myoption", action="store", help="My custom command line option")

  1. Use the request fixture in your test functions to access the command line arguments passed to pytest. You can access the value of the custom option defined in step 1 using request.config.getoption() method. For example:
def test_my_function(request):
    my_option = request.config.getoption("--myoption")
    assert my_option is not None

  1. Finally, when running pytest from the command line, you can pass the custom command line option like this:
pytest --myoption=value

By following these best practices, you can easily pass and access command line arguments in your pytest tests.

What is the syntax for accessing command line arguments within pytest test functions?

To access command line arguments within pytest test functions, you can use the request fixture and the config attribute. Here is an example of how you can access command line arguments within a pytest test function:

import pytest

def test_command_line_arguments(request):
    argument_value = request.config.getoption("--your_argument_name")
    assert argument_value == "your_expected_value"

In this example, request.config.getoption("--your_argument_name") is used to retrieve the value of the command line argument with the specified name. You can then use the retrieved value in your test assertions.

What is the limit on the number of command line arguments in pytest?

There is no specific limit on the number of command line arguments in pytest. You can pass as many command line arguments as you need when running pytest tests.

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